The approaching demolition and ‘holding vigil’♥

LOVE NOTE – Monday April 21st, 2014

Dear Friends
We spent a lot of the day and evening down at my daughter ♡Freea and her husband ♡Lee’s home today including having a late picnic lunch down near the river for our Easter catch up……felt relaxing and carefree…

We’ve been having some great conversations with them about houses as they are tossing up between buying an already established home or building a solar passive and ‘sustainable house’ on a block of land they already own. They have been looking and researching all this on and off for quite a long time and are very knowledgeable about it all so an excellent resource for me with regards to ideas and information about future building, if that is the way I choose to go.

This evening we watched a few videos of ♡Josh Byrne (e is best known for his role as the WA presenter on ABC TV’s Gardening Australia program) that are about the design and construction of Josh’s House that has been built in the Western Australian suburb of Hilton – see for full details. It achieved a 10 Star NatHERS energy efficiency rating with 10 being the highest rating score.

I find projects like this absolutely exciting, both from the point of view that he has done it to build his own family home, as well as he is teaching many about the idea of building sustainable housing, and has proved that resource efficient homes can be built at a comparable cost and time-frame to regular houses.

I also find it exciting from the point of view of building a sustainable and energy efficient house myself. It is fascinating to me to experience my interest and excitement rising about the possibilities before me…..There are so many resources available now compared to when ♡Russ and I first bought Warm Fuzzy Hill 34 years ago and started the process of renovating it over many decades…..

I am intrigued noticing there are two parts of me in this process…..

One part is excited and enthusiastic and energized and could jump with full zeal and zest full-steam ahead to designing and planning and building such a new house…….

Whilst on the other hand the other part is not so sure about what to do and in fact doesn’t feel it is appropriate and respectful to be even thinking about building and replacing our home at Warm Fuzzy when it hasn’t even been demolished yet…….

I was actually talking with my other daughter ♡Zoe just yesterday that it feels to me like the ruins of our home are somewhat like someone that is very sick with a terminal illness and we are waiting for her/it to die and it is our job to ‘hold vigil’ for our home in much the same way one would for a person who is dying…
And it is like this is the ‘proper process’ that needs to be done before any attention can be given to moving forward in any way. And that feels right in my soul and it feels OK.

I am going to reflect further on what ‘holding vigil’ might look like and include and have some further discussions about it. I would appreciate hearing any thoughts, suggestions or ideas that you have or can contribute about this.

The demolition dates for our beloved Warm Fuzzy [12-17th May] and ♡Toni’s Stonievilla [5 -9th May] are fast approaching. For me it is a hard time anticipating the demolition and I request some extra ♡LOVE-ing care and support and I know that is true for ♡Toni as well, especially with her returning to work next week.
I am not sure what I need and I will think further and report back about it.

I can feel that the part of me that is excited and enthusiastic and ready to jump with full zeal and zest full-steam ahead into building is happy that I have acknowledged it and is willing to respectfully wait. That feels good.

For me it is important to acknowledge our different parts. They then don’t have to keep nudging and pushing us for attention.


This photo is the earliest and only pic I have of our original ‘old’ house and it was taken sometime in the early 1980’s, a few years after we bought it in September 1979……..and is the foundation on which all the rest grew.

The house was an old farm-house – one of the original Stoneville homes – with the core made of incredibly solid and thick (about 10 inches/50mm) poured concrete walls. The room on the very left hand side wasn’t there originally and was one of our first renovation projects – as our family grew so did our house! ……We needed to build bedrooms for the girls as in the beginning the house only had one bedroom…….Also the horizontal cladding and window in the middle wasn’t there when we first moved in – just open verandah…the vertical cladding was…

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I am so so grateful for the gift of our Warm Fuzzy Hill home and life and all the memories. The story of how and what it was like when we first bought it is a grand tale that I will write about one day soon……♡

Have a splendid day….I’m going to go and put some dreaming time to tuning in more to our Warm Fuzzy Hill home…..and how best to honour and bid it farewell ….

With gratitude and wishes for much warm LOVE-ing to you, Susie

WarmFuzzy NOTE: Want to know where the name Warm Fuzzy Hill comes from? See this post



♡♥♡DAY 111365 Day Being-♥LOVE-Zero-Negativity Campaign 

About susiesheartpathblog

My aim with Susies♥HeartpathBlog is to connect and relate to you from my heart, mind and soul while sharing information and resources about conscious relationships, communication and ♡LOVE and FULL exuberant ALIVENESS…. My intention is to provide a space where you can engage with me and with the community of those who are ‘walking’ the ♥HEART PATH of conscious relationships….. people who daily make choices and actions about becoming and being more ♡LOVE-ing…….people who care that their partners and families and friends and the wider community feel ♡LOVE-d and lovable… people who are curious about and respect and validate the reality of ‘the other’ and who choose to create and live in a Zero Negativity Zone [ZNZ zone].... I am committed to teaching and sharing practical user-friendly communication ★TOOLS and Skills and processes that lead to growth and deep healing, connection, ♡LOVE and intimacy. I am a keen net-worker and committed to connecting people to the abundance of resources that are available. I believe much of what we need is out there, yet people don’t often know the resources are there or if they do where to find them. Putting people in touch with opportunities and possibilities is a high priority for me….
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2 Responses to The approaching demolition and ‘holding vigil’♥

  1. I can only begin to imagine what this next phase is like for you as you wait for demolition. Sending much love and strength your way. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. says:

    Hi Susie. With the passing of time and the opportunity to grieve, it is I think, a natural thing that you look forward to a new phase. I often use the expression “The end of the beginning and the beginning of the end”. Like the death of a loved one the physical elements disappear but the lovely and happy memories last for ever in our minds individually. I hope this is true for you. Just like the bursting of the new green shoots on your block, you can now lay down new ideas on old foundations. The black charring of the ground and trees will disappear and new vibrant life will appear. You will create something new to add to your life’s story, and in so doing grow even stronger. How lucky you are, in some strange way, to have the opportunity to share new beginnings twice (originally with Russ and now Shelton) with men you love in a place you love. Love to you both Murray and Chris. P.S. please let Shelton know I will call by and collect my barrow and hammer within the next week.

    Liked by 1 person

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