Choosing a New Story…Being More Happy Than Not♥

LOVE NOTE – Wednesday June 3rd, 2015

Happy June, Friends♥

Last night I posted a Red Rose Story on my Facebook page. I have so enjoyed people’s reception of it that it has given me just the nudge. push. shove needed to bring my absence of 5 l o n g months of N o t-W r i t i n g to you here on my Susies♥heartpathblog to AN END.

Time for a New Beginning. A New Story.

And what better way to do it than with a darkest reddest Red Rose Story. You do know that I adore roses…and especially big. open. red. be-jeweled. highly scented ones.

I serendipitously received an email in this morning’s Inbox by astrologer ♡Marina Ormes who shared that the Sagittarius Full Moon is a time to connect with your New Story, and let go of the old one.

And invited me to look closely.

and ask questions about what I think.

and what I assume.

And shared how the Full Moon in Sagittarius helps to see things from a new perspective.

I liked that. It intrigued me. It encouraged me. Seduced me.

She offered the following to reflect on:
– What are we assuming?
– How does that limit our thinking about what is possible?
– What New Story could we tell?
– Who would we need to become to make that New Story be the one we consistently see in the world?
– What would your life look like living your New Story?
– How can you start by making small changes that are in alignment with your New Story?

My New Story is:
now I walk in Beauty
Beauty is before me
Beauty is behind me
above and below me….♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

moon and roses-June2015

♡….I walk in the Beauty of the splendidly magnificent. reddest. red. roses in the June 2nd equally awesome Full Moon-light in Sagittarius at Warm Fuzzy Hill..

morning dewdrop roses

♡…I walk in the Beauty of early Winter gifts…the same roses softly dusted with a sprinkling of morning dew-jewels.

rose dew jewels

♡…I walk in the Beauty of being up-close-and-personal with this rose sparkling with early morning dew-jewels by the thousand.

bunch of roses

♡….I walk with the Beauty before me and all around me of roses in their fullest splendour and grandeur stippled with morning dew-drop-jewels.

I’m on the path of Choosing Beauty as inspired by ♡Liv Lane of Beauty Hunting as in ‘the movement’ led and encouraged by ♡Jennifer Pastiloff of The Manifest-Station. Of seeing things from a new perspective. From many perspectives…

Some of you will have noticed the ♡Choosing Beauty tab in the Menu at the top of my Blog. It has been there sitting empty for the longest time now.  It is the time for me to really explore the meaning of ♡Choosing Beauty.

I have been living existing with the pain and ache of my heart-breaking losses over these past 72 weeks Post Fire. Is it the time to tentatively emerge from the Grief Cocoon, I am asking myself?

Will my new Choosing Beauty Story serve me as my re-entry into all parts of the world?

I do wake up some mornings and think today is the day. I read the text on my new ♡Kelly Lane inspirational picture strategically placed on my bedside cabinet –

Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen


And I always do find ‘wonderful’ as there are always roses….and other flowers…. always Beauty.

Yet the real question is, can my brain keep seeing more Beauty than loss? Yet I am relentless. I will keep searching. Keep looking. Keep seeing with Beauty eyes.

Keep asking. The ever searching optimist.

Is today the day I find my life again? Life without the filter of loss and trauma…

A day where I am truly More Happy Than Not.

These are some of my ponderings…

What about you?

I also offer you ♡Marina Ormes’ invitation to see things from a new perspective. To connect with and truly embrace a New Story and let go of the old one… reflect on the questions she poses.

Please share what is touched in you.

And another New Story I am telling myself is that it is OK to expose that there is a small part of me that yearns for acknowledgement and validation and connection and that my human heart and soul sings and lifts and is touched when it is freely given….and equates that acknowledgement with being accepted… and acceptable… whatever way or however broken I am being in the moment…I feel valued and that I belong.

…..instead of the old story that it is being weak and needy to want that acknowledgment…or in fact to want anything from anyone.

So my brave heart will be most gladdened by you letting me know you have read this….. letting me know what it means to you, whether it has worth for you, letting me know anything you want to share.

Wishing you a wonderful day! With fond thoughts of you and grateful to you for walking this path with me.

May ♡LOVE and Beauty surround you….from a reflecting, questioning, appreciative Susie♡

“It doesn’t get any more beautiful, any more magical, any richer, or any easier, than things are right now. Until, of course, you start expecting it to get more beautiful, magical, richer, and easier.” ~ TUT – A Note from The Universe

Thoughts become things…choose the good ones!

About susiesheartpathblog

My aim with Susies♥HeartpathBlog is to connect and relate to you from my heart, mind and soul while sharing information and resources about conscious relationships, communication and ♡LOVE and FULL exuberant ALIVENESS…. My intention is to provide a space where you can engage with me and with the community of those who are ‘walking’ the ♥HEART PATH of conscious relationships….. people who daily make choices and actions about becoming and being more ♡LOVE-ing…….people who care that their partners and families and friends and the wider community feel ♡LOVE-d and lovable… people who are curious about and respect and validate the reality of ‘the other’ and who choose to create and live in a Zero Negativity Zone [ZNZ zone].... I am committed to teaching and sharing practical user-friendly communication ★TOOLS and Skills and processes that lead to growth and deep healing, connection, ♡LOVE and intimacy. I am a keen net-worker and committed to connecting people to the abundance of resources that are available. I believe much of what we need is out there, yet people don’t often know the resources are there or if they do where to find them. Putting people in touch with opportunities and possibilities is a high priority for me….
This entry was posted in ♥LOVE NOTE, ♥Positive & Inspirational Quotes, BUSHFIRE Destruction & Aftermath, GRIEF & SORROW♥, Self Help, Warm Fuzzy Hill and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Choosing a New Story…Being More Happy Than Not♥

  1. Virginnia says:

    Susie! Thank you! This is so helpful! It’s so easy to be caught in the vortex of negativity & self-critical, nagging thoughts! You truly are an inspiration. Love, V xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa Ziazan says:

    Beautiful pictures Susie and a wonderful new story of walking in beauty. ❤ May you have many new wondrous experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Andrea Fisher says:

    Beautiful pictures Susie.Enjoy our beautiful surrounding we are so lucky to have them.x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks muchly dear ♡Andrea. Great to hear from you! Our beautiful surroundings are definitely a blessing and life-line for me. Hope all is well and you are surrounded with beauty in your world. LOVE Susie♡


  4. Shelton says:

    I am so glad to see these ideas. Let me know dear one if there is anything that I can do to bring more beauty into your life.

    Liked by 1 person

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