30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign

30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign
Your ♥LOVE-ing Matters.
Your ♥LOVE-ing makes a difference
much more than you think.

 The 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign is about choosing either:

♥  someone who is important to you that you want to give some quality time and ♡LOVE-ing attention to
♥  someone you haven’t been taking time to nurture your relationship with and yet you would like to be closer to them and to get to know them better…..OR
♥ someone where your relationship is strained, or there’s stress and tension or conflict or maybe even disconnection and healing is needed….OR
♥ someone whos’ going through a challenging time at the moment who needs some support and caring –  could be someone who is sick, new parents, someone being a carer for someone else,  an elderly person….the choices are endless.
♥ or you can also request for someone to focus their ♡LOVE on you

DURATION TIME: 30 days – such a short time to create more ♡LOVE in your life!


Some people have requested a specific DAILY ACTION to do each day for the Being-♥LOVE Campaign along the lines of the 40 Day ♡LOVE Dare as found in THE ♡LOVE DARE by ♡Alex and ♡Stephen Kendrick and followed in the great movie FIREPROOF so this time we will provide a daily Being-LOVE Challenge/Dare for the 30 Days!

So our suggestion as a FOCUS for February is partners.

Or you can choose to do the ♡LOVE Dare/Challenge with anyone – not just a partner. And also you can choose your own actions to do from any of the other categories above.

FREE! You simply choose how much time and effort you want to daily spend with the reminder that the ACTIONS you take create the RESULTS you get!


  • 1) You choose WHO you will focus on for the 30 days
  • 2) Go to the Leave A Reply/COMMENTS BOX at end of this page and take a few minutes and tell us WHAT you will be doing – the ACTIONS. Please also include your LOCATION so we can get a sense of the link -up around the world.
  • 3) We recommend putting the ACTIONS you will be doing in the ♡SMART P format:

R-elevant & R-elated
T-ime frame – set yourself a time limit for each day,
PPositive – putting it is the positive

Eg: Once a day I am doing _____________♡LOVE-ing action for __________ instead of describing it by saying I won’t______________eg: neglect or ignore my friend…etc…

  • 4) For those on Facebook please go to our Institute for Relationship Development 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign page.
    – click on I’m Going at the top of the page. Once you join there you will be invited into our closed Facebook Group.
    – In the Group we post ♥LOVE Tips in relation to the Being-♥LOVE Campaign and we encourage your regular visiting and ‘mingling’ and interacting. Please do post progress reports, inspiring bits and pieces, celebrating yourself, requests for help and support and encouragement…….or just saying Helloooooooo……both on Facebook and here on this page on the blog.

I suggest you read what I wrote in my blog on Sunday 15th May 2011 about what I chose to do in relation to my sisters for the June 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign.

Unimaginable quantum leaps in opening and growing both yours and your Receiver’s ♡Heart. Committing to giving ♡LOVE daily is an excellent way to become more ♡LOVE-ing.

All Welcome!  This is for YOU – if you are interested in achieving more happiness and ♡LOVE-ing in your life and in the lives of people you care about.

There will be regular Daily ♥Tips and STORIES and ♡TOOLS and ENERGIZER BUDDIES (as I call them) to keep you on track and encouraging you


throughout the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE .

Updates will be regularly posted to help you with challenges as well as reminders to celebrate along the way.

It is so valuable and energising to find a ‘community’ of like-minded people on this journey of creating a more ♡LOVE-ing world and participate in a project like this with them.

People who inspire you, challenge you, validate you, support you and care about you…..Imagine yourself as part of such a community…… I am so grateful that with today’s technology we have the ability to create a virtual community so that we can connect over vast distances.

It is OK for people to jump in at any time and come on board throughout the month.

Absolutely know that there is very little for you to do to choose to participate.

CHOOSE THE PERSON RIGHT NOW you will give your attention to.
Take just 5 minutes to write what you will do for them and you have started!!

Know that your caring about and ♡LOVE-ing others makes a difference…and we all have enough time to be more ♡LOVE-ing and to grow our ability to do so, as well as strengthening our ♡LOVE-ing muscles!

With Gratitude and LOVE, Susie

SAY YES! and REGISTER NOW: in the Leave a Reply-COMMENT BOX below


Spread the word to help ♡LOVE grow!


much more than you think!


“The soul grows well when giving and receiving Love.
Love is after all, a verb, an action word, not a noun.”
~ ♡Joan Borysenko

“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make, which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot see.” ~ ♡Marian Wright Edelman.

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return” ~ Moulin Rouge & originally from ‘Nature Boy’ sung by ♡Nat King Cole & written by ♡Eden Ahbez.

“A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror” ~ ♡Ken Keyes, Jr.

 “Little things bring big changes……” ~ Dr ♡John Gray

“Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” ~ ♡Mozart

59 Responses to 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign

  1. Jodie says:

    Hi Susie, yes I’m in again, and the target for my campaign is Drew. My little boy said that I don’t hardly kiss daddy so I’m going to give him a big kiss and hug twice a day for the 30 day campaign.
    Thanks, you are an inspiration! Jodie

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lucky man your Drew is and how wonderful for your son! – I love the quote –
    “Don’t worry that children never listen to you;
    worry that they are always watching you” ~ Fulgham.
    And taking into account that research shows that “the greatest gift you can give children is for parents to love each other and to express this openly” what a great way to teach your son.
    Thank you dear ♥Jodie. I look forward to your updates on how this goes, Susie♥


  3. Deborah says:

    Hello Susie, I include my husband – let’s call him “Pedro”, in my Love Campaign. I dream about being more loving and loved. I am showing more love in little ways. I am the one texting first, while he is away, these two days – little loving vignettes, to help him smile through his days. I am also sending love, light and healing to all I meet today. I am sending love, light and healing to the homeless men I pass each day when walking in the Botanic Gardens – I am slowing my walking pace, just a little, in order to send those thoughts their way.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi ♥Deborah,
    Your love, light and healing to your husband and the homeless men and all you meet is such a gift. Slowing down and being mindful and showing more love in little ways is such a powerful way to change our behaviour and our world. Thank you for choosing 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign. Let us know how you are going from time to time. Susie♥


  5. Deborah says:

    My Love Campaign is going well. Pedro has received loving texts, and extra, loving, touches every day. He is beaming! and so am I!
    The homeless men, look at me strangely as I walk past and smile their way! People mostly walk past them in a hurry and are careful not to look. Maybe I will receive a smile in return one day?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello ♥Lovelies,
    Only 11 days to go! Counting down to the start of our best ever 30 Day Being-♥ LOVE Campaign. Who are you choosing to ‘shower’ with your ~♥~ ~♥~ ~♥LOVE♥~ ~♥~ ~♥~ for DECEMBER 1-30th? Sign UP HERE NOW!
    Sending wishes your way for a day full of DELIGHTS.♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*¸.•*¨* ♥Susie♥


  7. Pingback: “International Crossing the Bridge Day” | susies♥heartpathblog

  8. Pingback: experience ♥DELIGHT… | susies♥heartpathblog

  9. I’ve made my choice but choose to keep the name a secret in my heart. Just feels right. But the choice is engaged and love is beaming out in thought, word, and deed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi ♥Elizabeth,
      How wonderfully put – “beam out love with heartfelt intention and belief in the magic of this kind” – Love it!! You ♥DELIGHT me! And yes we all need reminding over and over it seems “that love is truly the healer”……so thanks back!
      The one who is ‘a secret in [your] heart’ will be truly gifted by your “beaming out in thought, word, and deed”……Thanks for adding your precious heart energy to the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign. ..Susie♥


  10. bettina hughan says:

    hello all, I am looking forward to the being (love ) campaign.
    My husband is going to Love it.
    I feel happier already just thinking about it. x bettina

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Welcome ♥Bettina to 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign.
    Yes your husband is going to ♥LOVE it and you too!
    I do so love how good it always makes us feel when we think about (and do) ♥LOVE-ing things for another.
    I’m curious how you found out about the ♥Campaign and the blog if you would be willing to share.
    Also would be great to know where you are located…..I’m getting an image of people doing the ♥Campaign right around the world……..How exciting is that!
    I have also found that stating the specific behaviours/acts (see SMART P above) that you will be doing for the 30 days makes a big difference…..I found this influenced things much more than I would have imagined!! With gratitude, Susie♥


  12. Pingback: Happy Thanks Giving–My Gratitude List | Virtual Assistant Goddess

  13. sandy dawson says:

    Hi Susie,
    I would like to join with Ben as my receiver.
    I intend to send him a love note each day (electronic and regular!) Sandy

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Great to have you join! Welcome ♥Sandy. I value how specifically you have stated what you are going to do each day. Very clear! What a great gift for Ben and for yourself. Susie♥


  15. Jill Bramhill says:

    Hi…I’m in and I’m focusing on my Beloved, Bruce♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi wonderful ♥Jill,
      What a Gift you give to your Beloved ♥Bruce. Thank you for your generous heart (¯`v´¯) ….♥ ♥`*.¸.*.♥.✿´´¯`•.¸⁀°♡… thinking of you and wondering how it’s going for you…Susie♥


  16. Hello everyone, this is such a beautiful idea <3…thank you Susie ❤
    When I first read it, I thought I would focus on an old friend who won't talk to me because: "relating to me brings up all her abandonment issues' she says. But then I started to feel like maybe our friendship has run its course? She doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, and I don't want to feel like I have to walk around on egg shells all the time with her. (yes even though we've done an Imago process..)
    So then I thought I will focus on mySelf. Because from experience I've found that when I love mySelf, everyone who loves me feels even more loved! Its like magic. And no doubt it will bring up everything in the way of me Loving mySelf.
    Wish me luck! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • dear ♥Candy,
      Sending soft and tender wishes of luck to embrace you for your special project of focusing your precious ♥LOVE-ing on your beautiful SELF…… may you be wrapped in magic and discovering more of the MARVEL that you are – see Pablo Casals words on the ♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Friday December 9, 2011 -https://susiesheartpathblog.wordpress.com/ – “You are a marvel………………. ”
      Sending wishes that all that gets brought up for you takes you into deeper ♥LOVE-ing of yourSelf and places of magic…..Gratefully Susie♥


  17. Melanie says:

    My 30 day love project is to my sister. My plan is to….
    make contact with my sister once a day (either my text, phone or email – she lives quite a distance from me) and discuss one positive thing that has happened in each other’s day.

    I’m hoping that will enourage us to have shorter, positive interactions (generally they are long negative ones) and by focusing on the good things in the day I hope that will put into perspective the less than good things that have happened in the day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi ♥Melanie,
      Having shorter, positive interactions and focusing on the good things in the day with your sister sounds like a great project. Wonder how you are going? Sending you a big ♥Hug full of encouragement and gratitude..♥ ♥`*.¸.*.♥.✿´´¯`•.¸⁀°♡…She’s lucky to have a sister like you. LOVE, Susie♥


  18. Susan says:

    I will be sending my father a loving text message daily, for the 30 day campaign. I am hoping it will bring us closer and help him to heal during his time of need.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Elizabeth says:

    This is a powerful and magical practice. My love recipient is feeling it! Fun to be an undercover agent of love.

    Liked by 1 person

    • YES!!….. such “a powerful and magical practice”….. What a wonderful image you paint ♥Elizabeth – an “undercover agent of love” …..and you having fun with it…….I imagine your love recipient is feeling so indulged and special and important…… JOY-FULLY, Susie♥


  20. Ange Hawdon says:

    My husband is my recipient and I’m just starting small – MMM – by making sure I let him know that I adore him once a day, by phone, my sms, by email or face to face.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ♥Ange – how wonderful for your special man. I imagine him being thrilled to receive your MMM’s of adoring ♥LOVE-ing attention. It’s amazing how our MMM’s can sometimes feel like huge amounts to the other much. LOVE, Susie♥


  21. Susan says:

    So far my love campaign is going wonderfully. My father and I have a running text dialogue going and already I can tell a difference in his attitude towards me. Thanks Susie!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi!! I am focusing my love on my Loving and deserving partner. My goal is for him to feel Loved and appreciated ; so I am telling him at least once a day what I am appreciating…Either just for who he IS or also the things that he does!

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Focusing your love on your Loving and deserving partner” is such a potent practice ♥Adrianna….. How is it that we get out of the habit of doing this and not remembering just how important regular appreciating and LOVE-ing is to people’s souls? Thank you so much for caring and acting.
      Also sending you a big ♥HUG full of Gratitude..♥ ♥`*.¸.*.♥.✿´´¯`•.¸⁀°♡…for the support and all you have done to spread the word about the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign. Gratefully, Susie♥


  23. meg says:

    im in – a little late but still in

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I CELEBRATE YOU ALL!! And your sweet ♥LOVE-ing!!
    Please check out the blog post – ♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Thursday December 15, 2011 – “see how much ♥you have actually done!!” We are half way through our 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign for December. WOW! 15 days of giving and caring!!
    (¯`v´¯)♥ GRATITUDE ♥ …`*.¸.*.♥.✿´´¯`•.¸⁀°♡ ….and CONGRATULATIONS!! – your ♥LOVE-ing and caring does make a difference!! So grateful, Susie♥


  25. HUGE ♥CONGRATULATIONS! ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★
    Let me celebrate ♥YOU and all the ♥LOVE-ing actions you have been doing over the month of DECEMBER in your 30 DAY BEING-♥LOVE CAMPAIGN.
    Are you celebrating and rewarding yourself for all your micro-MOVE-ments or quantum leapings that you have done?
    I imagine many openings into areas of your heart that have been neglected…. and I am sure whoever has been the recipient of your ♥LOVE has been deeply touched and felt your quality attention…..and has opened their heart more…….
    Please share any of your stories with us…
    Hoping you will join us for our next 30 DAY BEING-♥LOVE CAMPAIGNS in 2012. The months we are choosing are – February, May, August and November with a theme for each.
    May you truly know how blessed the world is to have you and your ♥LOVE-ing in it, admiringly Susie♥


  26. Every morning before I start meditating I’m going to ask myself? “what is the nature of Being Love today?” And see what unfolds..´⁀°♡´¯`•.¸♥`*.¸.*.♥.✿´´¯`•.¸⁀°♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks ♥Candy [from Melbourne, Victoria] – I ♥LOVE what you have posted about meditating every morning and asking yourself – “what is the nature of Being ♥Love today?” – What a great practice this is…..♥LOVE & gratitude from an inspired Susie.


  27. Pingback: Your birth-right is LOVE♥ | susies♥heartpathblog

  28. Maya Meyer says:

    Every Day I am going to send my GrandMother, Eris strong Loving energy. I will gaze at my new Big Ginger flower and think of her. She loves flowers but does not get out into the Garden anymore. I will be in Titirangi when I do this…….

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Hello dear ♥Friends,
    Counting down to the start of our MAY 30 Day Being-♥ Love Campaign … only 11 days to go. Looking forward to ♥YOU joining us!
    We are suggesting ♥MOTHERS as a SPECIAL FOCUS for the MAY Campaign – Mum, Mom, Mummy and all the names she is known by……SEE ABOVE for more details….
    Sending wishes your way for a day full of DELIGHTS.♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥♥LOVE ‎Susie♥


  30. Naomi says:

    I’m going to spend May reconnecting emotionally with my mother. I will be away for 10 days of it but when I am here I will take the time to connect with her on an emotional level. As she is invalided and it is sometimes difficult to understand her I can sometimes just concentrate on seeing to her needs rather than taking the time to really look at her and communicate with a smile or laugh. I know I feel better when we do and I imagine she does too. So thank you for giving us the space to practice it in May. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nurturing ♥Naomi,
      “…..reconnecting emotionally with my mother” sounds like such a beautiful gift to give to both your mother and to yourself. How wonderful!……What a great distinction between “seeing to her needs rather than taking the time to really look at her and communicate with a smile or laugh”…..
      I invite you to check out Hedy Schleifer’s Ted Talk – http://www.hedyyumi.com/about-us/ted-talk/ where one of the things she talks about is visiting with her mother who doesn’t recognize her anymore…… It is very touching as is the task you have taken on with your mother. Admiringly ♥LOVE Susie


  31. Sally says:

    I am going to share my feelings with a special friend- to tell him every day at least one thing that I love and appreciate about having him in my life. And also to share something about myself each day- to increase and deepen the connection with complete honesty and openness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Special ♥Sally,
      A truly great project –‘sharing your feelings & deepening your connection with complete honesty and openness’. Sound s like a truly special and nurturing relationship for you both. I CELEBRATE YOU! Great to hear from you and have you join the 30 DAY BEING-♥LOVE CAMPAIGN. With gratefulness and ♥LOVE, Susie.


  32. Terri Rooke says:

    Hello from Cairns, dear Susie.
    The person I am going to give my love to is ME!
    I work far too much and have neglected me….so here’s what I’m going to do…..just for me.
    I will write reminders to myself of how lovely I am to everyone around me….how gracious and kind and loving I am to my family and to my staff.
    I have so forgotten about me…..I will remind myself with post it notes, fresh flowers, small and big things that just honours me. I will mediate, take care of my body, eat well, exercise and even stop to smell the roses.
    Gosh, this is long awaited. I’m so excited! Hooray for me!
    I am so looking forward to doing things just for ME!!!
    For the next 30 days, I’m going to love me…
    Thank you Susie. Love from Terri.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Jennie Cary says:

    I’m going to do 5 minutes (minimum) of the loving kindness meditation practice on my mum every day. Also I’ll get a photo of her and carry it with me for the next 30 days so I can be reminded as often as possible to send loving thoughts to her throughout the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. David says:

    I’m going to spend 5 minutes upon waking every day in quiet contemplation focussing on my daughter, mother of two, sending her loving, compassionate and appreciative thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Hello Lovely ♥Ones,
    Here’s my project for the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign with it’s special FOCUS on ♥MOTHERS. What I am going to do is choose a different ♥Mother who I admire & value each day for the month of May and show them my appreciation. And ♥YES I do admire ALL my ♥Mum/Mom/Grandmum….. Friends. Thank you to ALL of you for your huge ♥LOVE-ing that you give, gratefully Susie♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥♥


  36. Margie says:

    Hi Susie . .thank you so much for this month of opportunity to bring a deeper level of consciousness into some area/s of our lives. For me, here in Nelson New Zealand, (ex Perth WA) I choose to focus on my relationship with my husband Maurie. For the next 30 days I will give him my full attention when he speaks to me, listen & respond without judgement or criticism . .allowing him to ‘be’. I will smile & give him eye contact more each day so he will feel validated & valued.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. estrazar says:

    Yes. I’m on board the May-Mother love train. Not sure exactly my focus. Still meditating on it. Will share as I move along. For now I’m opening my heart to the experience of mothering – giving and receiving. Big thanks for invite and community of lovers.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. VAgoddess says:

    Count me in Susie! I am going to spend 5 minutes a day connecting with my mother, either on the phone, or in person, or energetically to send her love and appreciation. I will also be involved helping to share the Being-♥LOVE Campaign on Facebook as your VA Goddess! Looking forward to lots of activity on the events page and http://www.facebook.com/InstRelDev

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Hilary says:

    Hello Splendid Susie
    Ive decided to focus on Mothering me, mothering me in a way that I would have liked as a girl growing up, then later as a single mother, being appreciated, feeling acknowledged, feeling special and loved, all of those lovely ‘things’ I read about in all the above comments. Mothering me in a way that feels nurturing, cared for and cherished, a feeling of being encouraged and supported.
    So I have decided that I will ‘DO’ something everyday that promotes those feelings in me, it might be a card I send to myself, a letter I write for a particular age I was, that encompasses and evokes these feeling within me, already I feel more ‘taken care of’ love and blessings to you, Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Pingback: I’ve missed you…and what’s new..♥ | susies♥heartpathblog

  41. Pingback: ♥LOVE-ing yourself… | susies♥heartpathblog

  42. Pingback: 4 Days In…

  43. Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular
    post! It’s the little changes that will make the biggest changes.
    Many thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Lily says:

    May I simply say what a relief to uncover somebody who really knows what they’re talking about
    on the internet. You actually know how to bring a problem to light
    and make it important. A lot more people must read this and understand this side of your story.

    I was surprised you are not more popular since you most certainly have the gift.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Nic says:

    Once a day I will be doing play with my children that is uninterrupted as part if my LOVEing! They will get 100% of my attention without distraction from house chores, phone or other people. And I will be mindful of focusing on their positive behaviour and telling them how fantastic I think they are when they have been creative, patient, good at sharing, funny, polite etc. I want to be encouraging, playful, loving and 100% in the game with them and not distracted trying to do everything at once!

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Pingback: Before Dawn…♥ | susies♥heartpathblog

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